Richard Parry

 Richard Parry 's Books

A very well recieved series by Richard Parry are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Chromed- Rogue, Dragon's Bargain, Dragon's Run, Ganymede Steel, Dragon's Rescue, Ganymede Plunder, Chromed- Upgrade, The Night's Champion Collection: A supernatural werewolf thriller trilogy, Tyche's Demons_A Space Opera Military Science Fiction Epic, Tyche's Grace, Tyche's Fury, Tyche's Ghosts_A Space Opera Military Science Fiction Epic, Tyche's Deceit, Tyche's Ghosts: A Space Opera Military Science Fiction Epic (Ezeroc Wars Book 5), Tyche's Ghosts, Tyche's Hope, Night's Fall (Night's Champion Book 2), Tyche's Flight (Tyche's Journey Book 1), Upgrade, Tyche's Chosen, Tyche's Crown, Tyche's First, Trial by Ice, which was published in 2022.